First Kids
Early Childhood
& School Age Care
"You Must First Teach a Child He or She is Loved. Only Then is He or She Ready to Learn Everything Else."
Infant and Toddler Classes
Infant Class (3 months to age 1 and walking)
First Kids provides a home away from home where infants are loved and cared for in a Christian environment. Our infant room is designed to help infants feel safe, secure and happy. Additionally, the room has areas that meet the infant's need to move and explore . Each infant is provided with his or her own personal crib. Our Christian teachers know and understand each child's daily schedule and take the time to communiate to the parents about each child's day. The nursery is surrounded with many stimulating items that foster infant development. We provide many opportunities for infants to explore and grow in a loving and nurturing environment. First Kids recognizes that infants need:
individualized care and attention (low ratios- 1 teacher to 4 infants);
safe places to explore;
engaging experiences that help them learn about the world around them; &
activities and opportunities that foster language development through singing, talking, reading and playing
Toddler Class (12 - 24 months)
The toddler class is filled with opportunities for toddlers to learn through their own experienes, trial and error,repetition, imitation and guidance. Teachers guide and encourage toddler learning by ensuring that the learning environment is safe and supportive. The classroom is inviting and promotes exploration and movement. The day to day program recognizes and provides for toddler development:
individualized care and attention (low ratios - 1 teacher to 5 toddlers);
safe learning environment with opportunities for small and large muscle development;
daily gym time;
opportunities to learn self-help skills;
engaging experiences that help toddlers explore and learn about the world around them; and
activities that foster language development through singing, talking, reading and playing
Preschool Classes
Preschoolers are avid learners, eager to master skills, agile on their feet, able to manage tools and are beginning to show interest in child-to-child social play. They take great pride in constructing and building things. They love celebrations, ritual and ordered events; and are beginning to draw distinctions between boy and girl play. Preschoolers are developing independence and self-control. They are expanding their horizons to include others outside the family.
Owlstars (2 year olds)
The two-year-olds' class is designed to meet the needs of the toddler and two year old. As toddlers grow and develop into preschoolers they are often in both stages. The daily program is designed to meet the needs and provide for toddler/preschool development through:
individualized care and attention through low ratios (1 teacher to 8 children);
concrete, real, first-hand, sensory experiences;
social interactions; building friendships and developing relationships;
opportunities to listen to stories and look at books;
participation and involvment by doing;
opportunities for play inside the classroom, on the playground and in the gym;
opportunities for repetition of satisfying experiences;
opportunities for imitation;
opportunities to make choices and opportunities to grow and develop and learn new skills
safe learning environment that fosters all areas of development;
engaging experiences that provide for exploring the world around them;
once a week Spanish class
once a week Round Robin: Fun-Fit, Music, & Chapel
Friendly Frogs (3 year olds)
Three year olds are exploding in their development as they move from the toddler/young preschooler stage into childhood. Their social development increases daily as they play cooperatively with other children and begin to develop friendships and build relationships. They are beginning to understand sharing and taking turns and are more independent and resistant to help. First Kids' daily program meets the needs of three-year-olds through:
individualized care and attention through low ratios (1 teacher to 11 children);
opportunities for expression of curiosity and exploration;
activities that promote the use of senses that increases knowledge of their world;
opportunities to participate in first hand experiences with real objects that allow for learning through doing;
building confidence through repetition of activities;
opportunities to experience joy and satisfaction in learning;
opportunities to play at their level of interest and skill;
opportunities to make choices and opportunities to grow and develop and learn new skills safe learning environment that fosters all areas of development;engaging experiences that provide for exploring the world around them; once a week Spanish class; once a week Round Robin: Fun-Fit, Music, & Chapel
Busy Bees (4 & 5 year olds)
The children in this classroom are busy bees - bundles of energy and overflow with chatter and activity. They are busy practicing self-confidence and have a growing need for independence. They are often full of silly talk, silly jokes and endless questions. The classroom environment is designed to provide children with space for a wide variety of activities, and for places to exhibit and store their work. This clasroom is designed to prepare children for success in kindergarten. First Kids meets the needs of 4 & 5 years olds through:
individualized care and attention through low ratios (1 teacher to 12 children);
opportunities for expression of curiosity and exploration;
activities that promote the use of senses that increases knowledge of their world;
opportunities to participate in first hand experiences with real objects that allow for learning through doing;
use of curriculum that enhances overall development and prepares children for kindergarten;
use of Handwriting Without Tears handwriting curriculum (;
opportunities to experience joy and satisfaction in learning; opportunities to play at their level of interest and skill; opportunities to make choices and opportunities to grow and develop and learn new skills safe learning environment that fosters all areas of development;engaging experiences that provide for exploring the world around them;once a week Spanish class; once a week Round Robin: Fun-Fit, Music, & Chapel
School Age Care
First Kids offers quality school age care for children enrolled in kindergarten through age 14. The following services are provided:
Before school care with JCPS bus pick up at the carport;
After school care from a varity of elementary and middle schools;
Summer program (part time and full time); and
Non School Days: care provided on days when school is not in session.